Copenhagen Daily #7

December 15, 2009
by phil
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Head of the Potsdam Institute and climate change advisor to the German government, Professor John Schellnhuber gives his assessment on how aligned the talks are with science and what might constitue an equitable distribution of our remaining emissions budget. Tom Besley discovers the joys of cycling in Copenhagen and gets down to some axle grinding in preparation for tomorrow’s bike bloc on the Reclaim Power action. Frederika Whitehead lifts the lid on the corporate interests who are trying to designate carbon capture and storage (CCS), nuclear energy and incineration as clean technologies within the Clean Development Mechanism. Youth deconstruct the draft text on deforestation in a rendering of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Andrian Bebb of Friends of the Earth reminds us that the rich consuming nations need to curb consumption of meat and dairy and put an immediate moratorium on biofuels if we are to stop deforestation. We have a short report from the No Borders action which highlighted the plight of climate refugees. Saleemul Huq makes a plea for rich countries to drop their narrow-focus on the own national interests if we are to make Copenhagen a success. We end with “The Gluts Song” from the Climate Express train chorus.

1 comment

  1. jo

    Thanks Climate Radio for bringing sanity to my day ! I very much enjoyed “crooner” Phil England in ad hoc but still very effective mode. I also appreciated the interviews conducted by Frederika Whitehead. Have you got the word for the “logging” twelve days of Christmas song ?

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