#4: Al Gore Energy Challenge

August 6, 2008
by phil
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300-350_4_thumbnail_l2beb1On 17th July 2008, former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore, gave a landmark speech in which he outlined the kind of political response which is called for by leading climate scientist James Hansen’s recent assessment of the science. Gore raised the bar on the scale and urgency of the action required to solve not only climate change, but also resource wars and rising energy prices. His challenge is for US citizens to call on the presidential candidates to commit themselves to power the US on renewable and “clean energy” sources within ten years. The 300-350 Show brings you this historic speech in full.

Al Gore’s Challenge to Repower America

If Gordon Brown was showing leadership on climate change here in the UK this is the kind of speech we would see him make.

Instead we expect him to give the green light to a new generation of new dirty coal fired power stations…

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